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Truth & ReconciliACTION 
presentations and programs

Levi Wilson is a member of the Gitga'at First Nation, with strong family ties to the Hwlitsum Nation / Lamalchi People, whose traditional territories include parts of the Gulf Islands, Lower Mainland and mid Vancouver Island. He made the Dean's list, President's List and was selected as the convocation Student Speaker for his year, when he graduated from Simon Fraser University with his B.A. in First Nation Studies and History. His subsequent teaching degree was earned through SFU's Indigenous Perspectives Teacher Education Program in 2017, and since then he has been developing lessons and units to decolonize and Indigenize course content in a wide variety of curricular areas for his grade 6, 7, and 8 students, in accordance with the new BC curriculum. He was taught Hul'q'umi'num as his language credit in grade 8 and 9, in one of the first Indigenous language courses offered to secondary students in the province. He is eminently qualified and experienced in offering professional development programs for teachers, but also has a lot of experience working with the public through offering territorial acknowledgements, speaking on panels at conferences, leading workshops, giving zoom presentations, facilitating book club meetings, and taking kids and adults on ethnobiology tours of land and shore. He is an avid athlete, experienced carpenter, knowledgeable about fishing and can play lacrosse, weave cedar, carve paddles, and is a certified Big Canoe sterner.        

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Fees vary depending on the amount of time requested, preparation involved, transportation costs and expense of materials. Let us know what you would like and we will work to make it happen! Generally speaking, in order to pay our student loan payments and rent (nope teachers don't get paid in the summer and nope, First Nations students don't get university for free!) we need to charge a minimum of $35 per hour - for each of us if you need us both involved. We are also open to sliding scale, learning trades and people who want to make donations so that others with lower income can access our programs!

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© 2019 by Emily Menzies. 

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